Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Casalinga Disperata

We discovered this restaurant a few weeks ago and have since eaten here four or five times – it is fast becoming our favourite place to eat. Casalinga Disperata is an Italian trattoria on a boat moored down by Richmond Bridge. If you are familiar with Richmond you may now be thinking of totally the wrong boat, as there has been a boat restaurant there for at least a couple of years… so now mentally walk yourself to the other side of the bridge (the Richmond Hill/Richmond Park side) and look for a much smaller boat.

There is seating downstairs and some high stools with a long stretch of window table upstairs. But however cold or windy it is (lovely Summer we’re having!) we always sit at one of the little outside tables. It’s just such a nice place to sit and eat – views of the bridge and the river, ducks and geese swimming past, and the cheep cheep cheep of the little baby coot that has his nest next to the boat!

Casalinga Disperata is definitely part of the slow food movement. I so approve! Everything here is cooked properly, and from scratch, and mmm you can really taste the difference! To give you an idea of the nice extra touches they do, Charles ordered a small bottle of water which came with a chilled glass containing a lemon slice and a sprig of mint. Additionally, the waiter is so smiley and nice, and says, “You’re welcome” every time he brings you something. Makes a change from the grumpy indifference we often seem to get with waiting staff!

Today we had garlic bread which was like no other garlic bread ever – slices of bread with rosemary, whole cloves of garlic, chunks of ground black pepper, basil leaves and olive oil. I love garlic and this was heaven.

We followed that with a crepe for me and sea bass for Charles. Every time I have been here I have had to have Crepe Verona. On greedy days I will have something else with it, otherwise I will just have the crepe which is fairly filling by itself. It is very simple – just a crepe with melted cheese and ground black pepper, and decorated with basil – but tastes lovely. And I have to say, this is the only place outside France where I have had crepes as good as the ones I have eaten there.

I tasted Charles’ sea bass (which was perfectly cooked and juicy) and the sauce on top of it was just divine – it was yellow and kind of buttery but with something else to it that made you want to order a big soup-bowl-ful just of the sauce and slurp it all up. I coveted Charles’ dinner heartily! Then – o how my wishes were answered! – I asked the waiter what was in the sauce, and he said it was made with the Italian liqueur Limoncello. Charles won’t touch alcohol so that meant I had his full permission to stuff my face with his entire fish! (Poor Charles though – he had a really busy day today, without time for breakfast or lunch – and then I go and eat half his dinner!)

On past occasions we have had a gorgeous, creamy tiramisu, but this time we didn’t order a dessert - and so were very happily surprised to be given some strawberries and almond biscuits with two glasses of chilled Limoncello, on the house! So – two glasses of Limoncello for me then! How nice that was!

I love this restaurant. I think Casalinga Disperata is a total dining experience. You have to come and eat here and experience it for yourself!

Casalinga Disperata, Richmond Riverside TW10 6UJ
Tel. 020 8940 7500


Anonymous said...

lovely photos!

Jodie Agnescu said...

Thanks! Looking at them, they make me salivate all over again!

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I could be in London.

All that great food! Oh my god!

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Yes, of course - review away!

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